In the distant future, humanity is seeking an alternative habitat. Because there is no longer a planet called Earth to live on. As a result of long-term studies, mammoth-like vehicles called UTONO have been sent to various planets outside the world by a unified community of technology-advanced firms (GOOGLE, NASA, TESLA, etc.). There are 12 of these vehicles on the planet ”PLaar 302.. Each of these vehicles has a living space with a capacity of 2000 population. Over time, there has been confusion among people due to a lack of understanding of law and morality in Plaar 302. After the wars that emerged and people realized that they could live in the atmosphere of Plaar 302, they spread to the surface of the planet and began to establish various colonies. Most of the UTONO vehicles, which have lost their popularity at the moment, are on the surface in the form of ruins, while a few are used by pirates. They go to various ruin areas and sell their collected materials in the market regions of the colonies.